Do your eyes tear when you go "number two"? Is it just me? Sometimes my eyes just well up. It's not like that scene in American Beauty with the plastic bag that's the most beautiful thing in the world or anything - it just happens. My nose tends to drip, too. Then I need use a tissue, but the tissue box is directly behind me, and there's no way I'm reaching that while sitting on the can. So, instead I end up taking a square of toilet paper to blow my nose and then have to debate whether it's healthier for the planet to put it in the trash can (which I don't miss from that range) or the toilet. Tough decision there. Am I the only one who thinks about this stuff?
These are some thoughts I had in the bathroom this morning.
i'd throw the nose-mucus-filled toilet paper in the toilet rather than the garbage, because i think it probably requires less energy that way (for both you and the garbage man).
p.s. my eyes and nose do not water when i take a dump ;-)
If you eyes are dripping and your nose is slopping, then my friend, you have a serious fiber issue. Try some Fiber One bars/cereal...or some plain ol' fruits and veggies, and do this quickly before you pop an artery back there and you end up spilling more tears than currently.
Best wishes
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